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Wednesday 4 October 2017

Why India Needs to Have Proper Education About Internet Security

Why India Needs to Have Proper Education About Internet Security

Kaspersky declared that India is one of the top five most affected countries by ransomwares. And India is also the third most affected country by wannacry ransomware. If we talk about other hacking attacks India will be there in the top 10 most affected countries. Very small scale Malware, Adware, Spyware attacks also happen to India every single day. So the question comes here is what makes India so much vulnerable to all the hacking attacks.  so today we will discuss what makes India so much vulnerable to the hacking attacks:
Ransomeware wannacry attacks india
Wannacry Ransomeware mass attack

1)  Lack of knowledge about Internet Security: 

Only a few people of India have proper knowledge about Internet Security. The majority of Internet users don't have any proper knowledge about Internet Security. In most places of India, Internet Security is totally neglected. Even some companies, businesses also totally neglect the factor of Internet Security. 99% of Indians don't even know about ethical hacking. For then hacking is only a crime and there is no such thing as ethical hacking. Most people know about hacking, but no one knows about it correctly and a very few people know how it’s done full stuff to be secured from an attack, first you have to know how the attack is done.  If you know how a hacker can still use ATM PIN, then you will be more cautious about that matter.  That’s also how the field of Internet Security works.  if you know how a  Malware or ransomware can get into your device you can be secured from it.  if you know about your vulnerability,  you can repair it. But because most people don't care about Internet Security they don't even try to know about these things. So the main reason about ransomware attack is lack of knowledge about Internet Security.

2) Visiting bad websites: 

We Indians love free things, like free movies free music and that's also why we search a lot of movie and music downloading sites.  Most of the movie the music downloading sites can get you a Malware or a ransomware.  Most of these kinds of sites you somewhere type of advertising medias.  And most of these advertising media shows you ads about some Flash Player update or some PDF downloader or some video converter. And they can automatically download Malware and install it into your device. Visiting these kinds of that website is also away a Malware or a ransomware can get into your device.
3) Not updating Windows & using pirated Windows:  
Now as I previously paid, Indians love free Things. That's also why Indians use free Windows, also known as pirated Windows. If you are using pirated Windows then you can't update it. And when you can't  update your Windows, you can't get to catch against a type of Malware.  So when a Malware attacks you, you get under its control very easily. 

4)  Not using antivirus software:

Most people don’t use any antivirus software.  So that PC is so much vulnerable to all the hacking attacks.  Free antivirus software doesn't really work so if you want to make your computer not vulnerable to all the hacking attacks you should always use paid, authentic antivirus software. 


If we want to make India not vulnerable to all the worldwide hacking attacks, we have to educate people about Internet Security. Because proper knowledge about Internet Security is now so much necessary then it was before.  The stereotype media and news channels also don't forward this topic frequently, so they actually need to cover of this topic more frequently to properly educate people about Internet Security. Knowing about Internet security and ethical hacking if the only way we can save our devices from hackers.

Also Read :
How to protect your website from hackers
How to get AdSense approved quickly
How to start a coaching class for Web Development
What is Ethical Hacking

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